This animated comedy, which is set in the New York City borough of Manhattan, centers on a Chinese-American child named Jake Long (voiced by Dante Basco), who must strike a balance between normal adol...

6.60 345

The program, which takes place in Richard Scarry's Busytown, teaches the scientific method through tales in which Huckle Cat, his sister Sally Cat, and buddy Lowly Worm use evidence to piece together ...

6.30 403

In contemporary Paris, there's a teenage junior high school student named Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and she shares her classroom with a boy named Adrien. When a threat emerges, Marinette undergoes a tra...

7.60 585

A young boy seeks to prove to his friend that Santa Claus exists by capturing him. Coincidentally, an ancient enemy of Santa awakens with the same intention. ...

4.01 289

Three thousand years ago in the Moonlands, the malevolent Shadow Magi Agram was imprisoned within the planet's core by the Core Glyph and the eleven Dreamstones that powered it. Now, Agram seeks to es...

7.90 6.20 74

A five year old dragon bird hybrid spends time with her friends at her grandmother's daycare learning new things each day....

6.10 7.00 112

Odyssia is home to young Prince Nestor, Quest and Lord Spite. They all have a common goal: They must find the Shatter Soul Sword that's gone missing. Prince Nestor needs the help of the greatest warri...

7.00 6.80 107

The adventures of 8-year-old Aardvark Arthur Read. When he's not at home being hounded by his obnoxious, but scene-stealing little sister D.W. and his working class parents, he's finding educational m...

7.90 6.70 82

The show follows the entertaining adventures of a four-year-old boy named Caillou, who discovers new and exciting things every day with his mommy, daddy, and little sister Rosie. Interspersed between ...

7.20 6.50 75

Fifteen-year-old twins, Cally and Lance Stone, experience a life-altering event when Cally discovers that the comic book "Dark Oracle" can alter their reality. ...

7.30 7.60 107

The Danger Rangers are a team of six animal heroes, accompanied by their robot, Fallbot, and their artificial intelligence, SAVO. They focus on teaching children about safety by addressing various exa...

7.80 7.70 115

In the animated series Doodlebops, favorites Deedee, Rooney, and Moe Doodle tackle problems relatable to preschoolers. The show helps children face situations and solve problems using courage and logi...

7.20 7.80 118